Thursday, April 12, 2018

triangle of terror

Triangle of terror

As a worried group of tana set of for an adventure of a lifetime finding  in the blumutal triangle
As soon as they hit the middle they of the blumutal triangle one man dives
in to the worst spot in the sea and ocean.

The waves start to tip the boat and then the radio transmitter sounds all
fuzzy then the coordinates were wrong until they came to a complete stop.

While they thought they had a problem they didn’t have one as bad as this
, he’s surrounded by sharks and one move that he made would cost him
his life he finds then he sees that something's up so he races away and
then the shark screams after him and rips his leg  of and then he finally
gets to the boat as they get the motor started and rushes him to hospital.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Mini me

Room 16/17 have been working on mini me's.  My mini me is an Australian cricketer playing in the ashers cup between Australia and England. 

Life or death

Life or death

Crack, bang, thud!!! Land suddenly falls into the bottom of the sea, my house splits
in half then I jump in one half hoping I’ll stay safe.

He gets it wrong “Why am I moving Help, if anyone can hear me help
He screams but nobody can hear him it’s too late the water is to cold and I’m out to

As he drifts out he watches the sunset go down until all he can see is ant size, sun is
down and all light is gone apart from a fire glowing in his house in his fireplace.

He rades for four simple things and they are : food , water, a wifi hotspot and a
phone to call someone and eat+ drink luckily he finds all of the supplies and calls
for help from the Coast Guard.

An hour later he finds himself knee deep  in salt water, he leaps out of bed and
rushes up to the adic and hops up on the roof and then he finds a small fant light
in the sky “Help , Help me !!!!” screamed the scared man, the light belows closer and closer until “ do
not worry we are here to help you”  they send down the harness “ hold on tight “ the coast guard

The harness retracts and pulled up  a poor soal dragged away from a house that is
more so wreckage. As they fly away he thinks what could of happened if he was
one of the people that could poteanchily be dead.


Tuesday 10th of april 2018

parts of 16/17 where split in to groups to do archery but then it was delayed with bone chilling wind , freezing rain and thunder and lightning