Thursday, August 11, 2016

computers are bad

Computers are bad

Walt: introduction, points, conclusion paragraphs

Bad for eyes
Bullied online

Did you know computers are bad because people can use them to be mean.

Firstly, lots of people can get cyber bullied on games and other electronic devices.                                                               

Secondly, people can hack and get your personal information and fake being someone they're  not.

Thirdly, lots of people have had viruses on their computer, more than one hundred people have had viruses.

Fourthly, some people have damaged eyes because of computers. Even kids should use a computer twenty centimeters away because if you have it closer it will give them sore eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Really computers are bad because all these facts.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cameron's Photo on Friday, 5 August 2016

Easy Blog Photo

The man & the crocodile

The man & the Crocodile                            
A crocodile went walking  down  to find, a river but the water was all dirty from some people, that were  cleaning their dishes in the river.

So the crocodile creeped to find  another river luckily   this river had clean water and food so he creeped up on the man.
 Pop pop pop as the bubbles popped in the water the man ran   

The fearless crocodile started to come up the man ran
“AHHH” the man screamed, the crocodile said “ I just want a drink’’.

So the crocodile sided and said “I just want a little drink’’.

Then  man found out that a crocodile was close.

After he found out a crocodile was close he sprinted back to town and said “ there is a crocodile close to here’’.   
The men rash to the lake they all have guns fourteen men have shotguns and some have bayonet.

He said “WAIT!!! I just want a drink’’ he said they understand and one man said “ok” bye have a nice drink the man said“bye” the crocodile said.